Truth-Telling and Dialogue

Transitional justice does not necessarily refer solely to criminal justice before a court. Dealing with the past in a way that transforms the present and shapes the future can also happen through truth-telling and the creation of a historic narrative. CDP, TPO and VSS put this understanding of transitional justice into practice by creating space for the voices of GBV survivors and dialogue outside of the court room.

Beneficiaries GBV Survivors
Activities Women’s Hearing:  The first platform in Cambodia that allows GBV survivors to speak out in public and acknowledges their suffering through an independent panel of experts.
  To download the reports go to Reports.

To watch the short documentaries on this event in 2011 and 2012 go to Audio-Visual Material.

Follow us on Facebook: Women’s Hearing Phnom Penh.

Local Communities Community Dialogue Forum:  This innovative form of dialogue on GBV and its consequences brings together communities through the use of the methods of forum theater.
To see banner used during the forums go to the material collection for Outreach and Advocacy.