Press Release: Statement by the international co-prosecutor Nicholas Koumjian regarding case file 004

ECCC press release 24 April 2014Press release by the ECCC on 24 April  2014

The International Co-Prosecutor of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal filed a Supplementary Submission in Case 004 requesting the investigation of sexual or gender-based violence, as well as forced marriage in key districts that are presently under investigation as part of this case. Preliminary information available indicates that the alleged forced marriages, rapes and sexual violence were perpetrated by Khmer Rouge cadre and occurred in areas where the suspects in Case 004 held command or political positions of influence.

Press release

ECCC includes forced marriage and rape in Case 002/02

Testifier at Womens HearingThe Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has issued its decision about what will be considered in the scope of the second trial against Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea. We are pleased to report that forced marriage nationwide will be included in the trial in Case 002/02.

Rape (nationwide) outside of the context of forced marriages is also included in the scope. Unfortunately, the Trial Chamber has departed from its own findings in case 001 ruling that rape is a listed crime against humanity. Instead, they will consider rape as an “other inhumane act” and not as a listed crime under crimes against humanity.